Do Land Rover Vehicles Need Premium Gas?

November 6th, 2018 by
man filling car at gas pump

Using the wrong type of gas for your vehicle can cause a number of unwanted problems. While mixing up certain types of gas doesn’t always create issues, but it is very important to align with what your owner’s manual calls for. For Land Rover vehicles, you should always try to use premium gasoline. There are…

Posted in Maintenance

How Often Should You Change Your Oil?

October 25th, 2018 by
Close up oil change

Changing your oil regularly is an important part of keeping your Land Rover vehicle as healthy as possible. Experts recommended oil changes every 3,000 miles in the past, but thanks to advancements in oil and engine technology, the number has risen in recent years. Now, most vehicles can go between 7,500 and 10,000 miles before…

Posted in Maintenance, Repair

Tire Care Tips

September 7th, 2018 by
Brake Pads

Service Department Schedule Service Parkersburg drivers know that taking care of their new Land Rover is important to keeping it going for years to come. One important aspect of vehicle care that some drivers may overlook is tire care. It might sound silly saying some drivers forget to care for the tires that keep them…

Posted in Maintenance, Repair

What is Land Rover Pre-Paid Maintenance?

February 25th, 2018 by
Land Rover Prepaid Maintenance

Schedule Service Land Rover Warning Lights Maintaining your Land Rover vehicle is key to its long life and exceptional performance in Charleston. Land Rover Pre-Paid Maintenance is available for two-, three-, and four-year terms for both our gasoline and diesel-powered SUVs. It ensures that your vehicle receives quality care it needs when it needs it…

Posted in Maintenance
Land Rover Charleston 38.3260408, -81.7135297.